Boneheads Musicians Recording

How to get a record deal

I’ve been asked thousands of times “how do I get a record deal?” Most people think this is an extremely complex question with many different possibilities. But it really is simple. When people ask me this quesion I give them all the same answer:

Shop at 7-11.

Yes, shop at 7-11. This is how to get a record deal. I’ll explain:

There once was a rock band with a decent female singer that I had done many albums with. This band was just like any other rock band trying to “make it.” They practiced twice a week, did shows, released CD’s, sent their discs in to record companies etc. They were doing all the usual things a band does to break into the big time.

One day the female singer stopped in at 7-11 to pick up some sundries. On her way out she bumped into a guy and dropped all of her groceries. The guy was very nice, and helped her pick up her stuff. Introductions insued. The conversation soon led to him saying “I’m an A&R guy with XXX record company (one of the big 5), and her saying “I’m a singer.”

One thing led to another (don’t know if any sexual favors were involved), and she was offered a recording contract. The record company only wanted her so she immediately dumped her band in a very sour situation. She then moved to LA.

She spent 2 years in LA working on her album. Then one day, record company XXX went through some management changes and all the A&R guys were canned. When the A&R gets canned, usually their artists get canned as well unless they are proven sellers.

She returned from LA with no record deal, no money and no band.


And they charge $150 an hour?

The biggest studio in town had some audio problems. It seems all their mixes sucked. This is a world class facility with world class gear. No one could figure out the problem so they hired a specialist from JBL to analyze their system.

This specialist was not cheap. First they had to pay the cost of flying him in, putting him up in a hotel, paying for his meals and transportation. On top of that was his $1500/day fee.

The JBL specialist arrived at the studio, listened to about 5 seconds of audio and then reversed the connectors on one of their studio monitors. Seems when they set the studio up, they wired their studio speakers out of phase.

It cost this studio about $2500 to pay a guy to flip over a banana connector. Total repair time: 10 seconds.

Gear Recording


I stood next to this Solid State Logic console yesterday. Unfortunately the console was in a crate and may be in a crate for the next 2 years.

I met an interesting guy who is just like me. He is the owner of this beautiful SSL console. He owns a studio and does CD/DVD duplication just like me. The only difference between me and him is his studio and duplication setup is about 100x bigger than mine. Right now his duplication business is going so crazy that he doesn’t have time to set up his SSL…What a rough problem to have.

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Boneheads Gear Musicians Recording

Phony Tubes

Remember that band I wrote about whose bass player fell asleep in the mix? This is the companion story.

That same band had a cocky guitar player who thought he was hot shit…. Wait a minute. Most guitar players think that. Anyway, this guy’s amp was awesome. It had more tubes than any other I have seen. It practically lit up the room.

When I looked closer I realized the tubes were not tubes at all. They were blue lights setup to look like tubes. This thing was solid state all the way.