A man woke up to find a woman giving him oral sex. He took her to court and won. She had to pay a $6,000 fine and go to jail. Does it really come that easy for some people?
Category: Random
Mediaguru’s latest digs and gigs
My posts here have slowed slightly as you may have noticed. Don’t worry. PSB will be going as long as I have stupid clients and experience the strange things that go hand in hand with being in the music business. That means I have a never ending stream of material.
I’ve been working hard on my golf blog: Hooked On Golf Blog and some other web ventures so my geek time has been split amongst a few different venues.
A new gig for me right now is as a contributor to a big blog which deals with Apple and Mac related items: The Apple Blog I’ll be posting regular articles there on Mac and audio related software and hardware. I won’t be able to post the same articles here that I do there (unlike my JamPod review), but I will be linking to them from here.
I’ve spent the last day or so changing the look of this blog and the forums. No more “standard” blue on either one.
This one is a little more “rock and roll”
Coming Soon… Version 2.7
Version 2.7 of my to-do blog list:
*The Used gets beaten off the stage
*Coke Addict Door Man
*Oh the poor kitty
*RTFM…The Right FM
*My buddy’s Stolen Keyboard
*Total Bitch Who Turns Out To Be An Inlaw
*WTF Is A Boing Box?
*Locking Bridge
*Broken Steve Vai Guitar
*Christmas Party Gig
*Shaman Princess
*Guitar Case Sale
*Mouthing off to the club owner
*1 Song & Done
*Uhh, where did the bass player go?
*Rickenbacker 12 string issue
*The Turf Club is the coolest place
*White to rap conversion
*Are you telling me I torched a $15,000 kit?
*Bag the female singer
*Shocking gig in Sun Valley
*Shocking bathroom incident
*There goes the moose head!
*Speaking of moose: Singer hits moose
*Hole in the stage
*Dumbass Metal Guitar Player
*Opening for The Romantics (power problems)
*Here’s a drum stick in your eye
*Fell off the drum riser
*Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
*Opening for The Fixx
*Opening for Flock Of Seaguls
*Opening for Jerry Lee Lewis
*The freak duplicator?
*The best female singer I recorded is a….zone girl?
*The 2nd best female singer I recorded is a…..stripper?
*The band that wouldn’t get off the stage…voluntarily. (Don’t mess with the golden glove boxer part 2)
*The tour (the radio show with 3 video cameras which don’t broadcast anything?)
*Point that video camera straigt into a spotlight, great dumbass
*Band accomodations & crack house all in one
*Dude steals chair and nearly causes a natural gas explosion
*Wedding gigs: Is anyone really paying attention?
*Late for a crappy gig
*Don’t piss off the golden glove boxer
*To the asshole who stole my hardware case
*When naked ladies are running around, why do they blame me?
*Studio poltergiest that scares the hell out of me…really. The scariest, creepiest studio story ever.
*Two gigs in three hours, 350 miles apart?
*Bam bam
*$5 bounced check (from a client)