Recording Why ProTools Sucks

Coming soon: Digidesign ProTools LE & MBox Review

One of the gigs the big studio I’m at is doing right now is a book on tape or book on CD as the case may be. The guy reading has a lot of “issues” with his pronunciation and English skills.

So he’s read his entire book into three different ProTools sessions. Each session is at least 400 minutes. Each session also has about 1000 out-takes or flubs which need to be edited out.

I volunteered to edit the book, knowing that there was a lot of material and it would be a good gig for a while. They initially had someone else doing it but now they’ve given the edit to me.

So the studio bought a Digidesign MBox Pro, which comes with ProTools LE and I’ve got it set up in my living room. I’ve edited for three hours so far and I’m getting into the flow. It’s taking about an hour to edit 10 pages of the book and the book is 350 pages. I’m sure I’ll get faster and by the time I’m done with this sucker I’ll have my first evaluation and impressions of ProTools LE and the MBox on my Apple MacBook.

Stay tuned.