Musicians Rants Recording

New Dream Theater album sounds like a “do it yourself” project

Ok I have listened to the entire new DT album. I must say I’m not impressed. Don’t get me wrong, the musicians are amazing. That’s not my beef.

The engineering and production on this album stinks. It sounds very mid-rangey (if that’s a word). In my one car stereo all I can hear clearly driving down the streen is snare drum and vocals. Can’t hear the bass, and the guitar & keyboards just blend into each other to form foggy sort of “audio soup.” And it seems like the whole thing is damn near panned center. Mix in some stereo will ya?

The lead guitar parts are way too low. The snare drum is too loud and in fact the whole kit sounds very mid-rangey and thin. The kick drum doesn’t kick. The toms are kind of whimpy. And the whole kit was obviously recorded in a tight space and it is totally lacking “life” or some kind of wideness or ambience.

The vocals sound pretty good.

Did these guys engineer/produce it themselves? That’s just what it sounds like.

Gigs Random

Shaved pussy

One time on break at a gig a fine looking young woman comes up to the “band table.” She says “hi guys.” We say hi. She says “Guess what? I shaved my pussy tonight” and proceeds to lift her dress up and show us.

I love being a rock & roll musician sometimes…. 🙂


Why I carry a camera

crash helmetI was at a stop light today on my way to a remote recording gig when this strange old lady was crossing the street. She looked me right in the eye and saluted me like she was in the military. She looked kind of strange and the salute was odd as well. But that wasn’t the most intruiging part about her, it was her CRASH HELMET. I couldn’t get my camera out of my pocket fast enough to get a face shot but I did manage to catch this pic.

Gigs Random Rants

One of the worst gigs ever

I was taking cortazone pills for tennis elbow and they just tear your stomach up. My stomach got so acidy (is that a word?) that I was ready to barf. I started hiccuping very badly while on stage playing the drums.

The brilliant bar tender told me he had a drink that would solve the hiccups. I chugged this miracle drink and it made the hiccups and stomach acid 10x worse. I was so sick on stage, violenty hiccuping and nearly barfing every hiccup. I ran to 7-11 on the next break and bought about 5 packs of tums. I ate them ALL during the last set and it didn’t do anything. I hiccuped every 6 seconds until about 6am.

I figured I had hiccuped over 6000 times that night. I’ve never taken cortazone pills again.

Gigs Musicians Recording

Metal gig

I ran across an old metal band I recorded years ago through myspace. They’re in the midst of hammering out a record deal and they’re in need of a drummer. Looks like I’m going to do some drum tracks for them here. When they do the real album they say I’ll do the tracks wherever they record (LA or somewhere). Sounds like a lot of fun.

If it goes well I could see doing some touring. I hated the last tour I was on but that was a little different. I hope I get along with these guys.