
Figuring out how to get in the rotation

Like I said before, I’ve been a bit frustrated with getting in the rotation and actually “working” gigs in the studio. I’ve been sitting in a lot but not working or making any dough. The owner just works his ass off and doesn’t really offer me gigs. But I’m finding if I just show up he’s more than willing to just turn them over to me. That’s what happened today. It was a harp project, recording for the Suzuki instructional CD’s. He threw me on the console and went in the other room and did paperwork.

I worked that gig with only a couple of hiccups which require me to get help. Once I don’t need any help I’ll be able to do more gigs. That’s very soon. I’m finishing off that project tomorrow, on my own. I should be fine. Just doing some more tracking and mixing down. It will be my first gig in the big studio without my training wheels.


Rapper makes $34 million in 2006

Man there are a lot of poor musicians. Even the famous jazz musicians don’t make a lot of money. Yet “JayZ” (or however you spell it) made $34 million last year and is the richest rapper. For those of you rappers out that that mean he’s “stackin’ bank.”

Terrific news. Now all the hip hop losers out there who don’t know how to speak English, don’t know how to wear a hat straight and don’t know how to keep their damn pants above their ass crack will all be thinking they can be a millionaire. Boy are they in for a shock. Unfortunately we’ll all have to put up with their shiznit.


Max Roach dies at 83

Max Roach, what a great drummer in his day. He gave Buddy Rich a run for his money on many occasions. Buddy won most of those battles though…


frustrated with new digs

I’ve been pretty frustrated with the new studio. I need time in there to observe and learn the ropes. I also need time to get solid on ProToos (ProDrools) and some of the ways the place works.

I’m having a bugger of a time getting replies to my calls and/or emails from the owner on when I can come in. It can take several days for a reply.

Fortunately he did get back to me today so I’ll have a chance to sit in this week. The quicker I can get this stuff learned the quicker I can start doing real gigs.

This experience has reminded me of what I’d tried to forget, how unpredictable and tough to schedule or budget your time working in the studio really is.



Remember this post which told the crazy story of how my entire set of cymbals got ripped off and then I miraculously recovered them?

As a “victim” I’ve been kept in the know by the local justice system here and have had the right to attend the trial of the guys who were busted with my stolen gear.

It’s taken eight months, but the trial is over and they’ve been found guilty. The sentencing phase is next and I get to write a “victim impact” letter to the court to influence the judge’s decision on a sentence.