A day in the life of a golf addict and rock & roll drummer (today):
7:30am: alarm goes off, hit snooze button a few times
8:00am: fix some home brewed Starbucks coffee
8:20am: drop by golf course 1 to pick up new driver, paid for with tourney winnings
8:39am: somehow accidentally drop golf socks in coffee
8:40am: hanging golf socks over AC vent in car to dry out while driving to course 2
8:42am: after some pondering, I drink the coffee
9:05am: arrive at golf course 2
9:12am: buy new socks
9:16am: tee off
9:25am: birdie first hole
1:55pm: finish round with a 72 (even par)
2:15pm: collect winnings from opponents
3:04pm: meet client 1 downtown
4:17pm: meet client 2 downtown
5:02pm: arrive at storage unit to pick up drum kit for gig tonight
5:03pm: call in local radio station and win tickets to a golf event next week (Jack Nicklaus, Mike Weir, David Duval, Fuzzy, Johnny Miller, The Walrus, Dave Stockton, Gary McCord all will be there)
5:20pm: check mail at PO box
5:55pm: drop by radio station to pick up tickets to golf event
6:22pm: arrive at home, eat a snack
6:40pm: leave for new house
7:01pm: check out my new house under construction, inside doors are now installed!
8:45pm: back at home, cook a frozen pizza for dinner
9:16pm: leave for gig
9:46pm: arrive at gig, setup drum kit
10:13pm: commense drum bashing
12:08am: two chicks flash their boobs at me
1:15am: first encore
1:35am: pack drum kit and take off
1:50am: pick up 3 krispy kreme donuts on the way home
2:00am: arrive home
2:05am: eat donuts, write this dumb thing
2:10am: publish this dumb thing
2:15am: go to bed
Tomorrow, I do it all again. Fortunately I don’t tee of until 1:30pm.