Boneheads Gigs Random

Treating client’s projects with the utmost care

My studio world has been all messed up with moving a couple of times and having 75% of my gear in a storage unit. I’ve been operating out of home office setups for a while which is a pain in the ass. Soon I’ll be out of that situation and in my new place….soon.

A client called me and wanted me to do some work on her project. I let her know her master was in my storage unit and I’d get to it as soon as I went over there and got it.

I got it this morning. Not easy to get to. Move the two bikes, lawnmower, tape machine out of the way to get access to the “master vault.” I found her master, put it on the back of my car, locked up the storage unit and headed back to my office.

I get to my office and for the life of me I can’t find her damn master. Then the horror dawns on me. I left her master on the back bumper of my car. Oh shit!

I drove back (about 2 miles) to the storage unit and there was her master on the round just as you exit the unit. There are probably thousands of cars per hour driving down that street and luckily the master didn’t even have one tiny scratch on it. Talk about a good break.

This is all info she’ll never know…


One of my clients died today

I got a sad call today from the son of one of my clients, informing me of his father’s death. I just did a little work for this client about 3 weeks ago. He told me of the hard battle he was fighting with inoperable cancer.

He lost the battle…

Random Rants

Elektra vs some 14 year old kid’s mom

This is a transcript of the first court hearing between Elektra’s attorneys and a 14 year old kid’s mother. Her home computer had 6 songs on it from kaaza which were downloaded illegally. Problem was they don’t really know by who. It may have been the kid’s friend.



Be Patient

I was talking to a vendor of mine today and he said the funniest thing. He’d just had some kind of surgery and was frustrated because he wasn’t healing as fast as he wanted.

His doctor told him: “Be patient.”


Liquid Ass

Liquid Ass is a stink spray in which the maker says has an authentic “butt crack smell.” My first thought is “damn I’m glad it’s authentic. I’d hate to have an inauthentic butt crack smell.” Then I thought “how would one know it is authentic, unless one knows first hand what an authentic butt crack smells like?” I digress…

This would be a useful spray for the studio after one of those all night sessions when we need to “freshen” up things a little.

Liquid Ass would also be perfect for covering up the odors in the “band van.”

Perhaps the best use might be for masking some of the odors coming from the band’s groupies….